Due to the unique needs of our residents at Norris Academy, we have a comprehensive transitional services program that works to meet the needs of those young people who enter Early Adulthood either while at Norris Academy or shortly after their discharge. We work closely with family members and community partners to help facilitate a safe and healthy transitional process into adulthood with the best possible care in place. Community Partners include:
- Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD)
- TennCare Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
- Facilitating Access into the Employment and Community First (ECF) CHOICES program
- Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS)
During their treatment at Norris Academy, many of our Advanced Learners receive the opportunity to develop independent living skills that will help them during their transition into adulthood. Residents can learn how to do laundry, live with roommates, plan for and cook meals and learn to count money to help prepare them for future opportunities for growth.