Rite of Passage is closely monitoring developments around COVID-19 (coronavirus). Click here for more information and resources.

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We design our daily schedule with the needs of our residents in mind with a heavy focus on maintaining engagement and prosocial learning.  Health and effective structure is critical to our residents in developing a sense of safety, security and engagement throughout their treatment.  For children and youth with Neurodevelopmental diagnoses, it is common for a lack of structure to be one of the primary drivers for a crisis, which makes implementation of a consistentDue to the variety of different resident profiles, our schedule has slight variability between groups; however, a sample schedule of our daily structure can be seen [here]


Time Group I Group II  * Group III Group IV Art/Music/PE


Lunch Recess
7:30-8:00 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
8:00-8:15 Social Skills Social Skills Table Activity Table Activity SS/LS/VS
8:15-8:30 SS/LS SS/LS Hygiene Hygiene SS/LS/VS
8:30-8:45 Life Skills Life Skills Morning




8:45-9:00 Science Math Task Time Task Time
9:00-9:15 Science Math Task Time Task Time
9:15-9:30 Science Math Sensory Rm Sensory Rm
9:30-9:45 Science Math Sensory Rm Sensory Rm
9:45-10:00 Mod. Eng A/M/PE Ed. Games Ed. Games Group II
10:00-10:15 Mod. Eng A/M/PE Hygiene Hygiene Group II
10:15-10:30 Mod. Eng A/M/PE Snack Snack Group II
10:30-10:45 Mod. Eng A/M/PE Snack/

Clean room


Clean room

Group II


A/M/PE LUNCH Task Time Task Time Group I Group II
11:00-11:15 A/M/PE LUNCH Task Time Wash hands Group I Group II
11:15-11:30 A/M/PE RECESS LUNCH Curriculum


Group I Group III Group II
11:30-11:45 A/M/PE RECESS LUNCH Activities Group I Group III Group II
11:45-12:00 LUNCH Soc. Studies RECESS Curriculum LUNCH Group I Group III
12:00-12:15 LUNCH Soc. Studies RECESS Activities LUNCH Group I Group III
12:15-12:30 RECESS Soc. Studies Life skills LUNCH LUNCH Group IV Group I
12:30-12:45 RECESS Soc. Studies Life skills LUNCH LUNCH Group IV Group I
12:45-1:00 Math Mod. Eng Hygiene/Water RECESS PLAN Group IV
1:00-1:15 Math Mod. Eng Curriculum RECESS PLAN Group IV
1:15-1:30 Math Mod. Eng   * Activities Activities PLAN
1:30-1:45 Math Mod. Eng BINGO Activities PLAN
1:45-2:00 Soc. Studies Science A/M/PE BINGO Group III
2:00-2:15 Soc. Studies Science A/M/PE BINGO Group III
2:15-2:30 Soc. Studies Science A/M/PE MTF / AMPE


Group IV
2:30-2:45 Soc. Studies Science A/M/PE MTF / AMPE


Group IV
2:45-3:00 Clean room Clean room Clean room Clean room Clean room Clean room Clean room
3:00 Dismiss Dismiss Dismiss Dismiss Dismiss Dismiss Dismiss